Integrating React Query with Electrons IPC Layer

Integrating React Query with Electron's IPC Layer

In modern JavaScript applications, particularly those using Electron with React, managing data fetching and state synchronization across different layers of the application can be challenging. React Query emerges as a powerful tool for managing server state in React applications. However, integrating it seamlessly with Electron's Inter-Process Communication (IPC) layer and ensuring proper error handling through the layers can be complex. In this post, we will explore a pattern to effectively pass API errors through these layers so that React Query can handle them correctly.

The Challenge

React Query is excellent for handling server state, but it assumes a certain level of consistency in how errors are communicated. In Electron applications, where the front-end (React) and back-end (Node.js in the Electron main process) communicate via the IPC mechanism, maintaining this consistency becomes crucial.

Case Study: Deleting Documents

Consider a feature in an Electron app where users can delete documents. This operation involves:

  1. A React Query Mutation Hook in the front-end.
  2. An IPC Event Listener in the Electron main process.
  3. An API Service Layer that performs the actual deletion.

1. API Service Layer

This layer handles the actual API call. It should catch errors and return a standardized error object.

export default async function deleteDocs(docIDs) {
  // ... setup axios request
  try {
    const response = await axios.request(config);
  } catch (error) {
    throw new Error(error.response?.data?.message || error.message);

2. IPC Event Listener

This listener in the Electron main process calls the API service and communicates with the front-end.

ipcMain.handle("document-delete", async (event, documentIds) => {
  try {
    const result = await deleteDocs(documentIds);
    return { success: true, data: result };
  } catch (error) {
    return { success: false, error: error.message };

3. React Query Mutation Hook

The front-end uses React Query to manage the delete operation. It must handle the success and error responses correctly.

const useDeleteDocs = () => {
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();
  return useMutation({
    mutationFn: (documentId) =>
      ipcRenderer.invoke("document-delete", [documentId]),
    onSuccess: () => {
    onError: (error) => {
      console.error("Delete failed:", error);
      // Handle the error appropriately in the UI

Why Use invoke and handle?

In Electron, IPC provides several methods for communication between the main and renderer processes. Among these, invoke and handle are particularly suited for scenarios requiring a response from the main process.

ipcRenderer.invoke: This method sends an asynchronous message to the main process and waits for a response. It's ideal for operations like deleting documents, where the renderer process needs to know the outcome to update the UI accordingly.

ipcMain.handle: This method listens for messages sent using ipcRenderer.invoke. It allows the main process to handle the request and send back a response. This response can include success status, data, or error messages, providing a robust mechanism for error handling.

Using invoke and handle ensures a clear, promise-based interaction between Electron's processes. This is critical for operations that require a response, such as API calls.

Key Takeaways

  1. Consistency in Error Handling: Ensure that errors are caught and returned in a consistent format from the API service layer.
  2. IPC Error Propagation: The IPC event handlers should forward these errors to the front-end while maintaining the structure.
  3. React Query Integration: Use React Query's useMutation hook to handle these operations, ensuring that errors are handled correctly to provide feedback to the user and manage application state.


Integrating React Query with Electron's IPC layer requires a careful approach to error handling. By maintaining consistency in error formats and correctly propagating these errors through the layers, we can leverage React Query's powerful features for state synchronization and error handling, leading to a more robust and user-friendly application.